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Be forgetful when you are pregnant, facts or myths

Pregnant women may have heard the myth that women tend to become forgetful during pregnancy. Actually it is not a myth, you know. During pregnancy, some mothers do become forgetful. This condition is known as pregnancy brain or momnesia. Conditions of forgetfulness during pregnancy are often complained of by pregnant women, including forgetting to keep a cellphone, keys or wallet, to forget to consume pregnancy vitamins. Forgetting a small thing might not be a problem. But if what is forgotten is important or dangerous things, for example forgetting to turn off the stove, this condition can cause big problems.

Causes Being forgetful when pregnant

Some studies have found that some pregnant women experience a shrinkage of certain areas of the brain, which causes memory capacity to decrease. This area of ​​the brain is related to the ability to process memories. In addition to changes in the brain, the researchers suspect that the condition of forgetting during pregnancy is also influenced by the following:
  • Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy causes physical weakness of pregnant women, making it difficult to concentrate or remember anything.
  • Insomnia or stress can be experienced by women while pregnant. This condition can cause memory loss.
  • Depression during pregnancy can also make pregnant women forget easily.
  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can also cause a decrease in brain performance, thus inhibiting the process of remembering.
  • Pregnancy makes a pregnant woman's mind filled with various things, including the preparation for the birth of a baby, which causes the focus of attention to be divided so that it is easy to forget.

Tips for Dealing with the Conditions Easy to Forget when Pregnant

In order not to interfere with daily activities, pregnant women can anticipate conditions that are easy to forget during pregnancy with the following tips:
  • Get enough sleep

  • Pregnant women are advised to sleep about 8-9 hours every night. Adequate and quality sleep can improve memory and concentration. This is because when the body is well rested, the brain also rests and can recover the energy it needs to work.
  • Exercise regularly

  • Exercising regularly during pregnancy is beneficial to improve body fitness and prepare the body for labor. Not only that, exercise can also improve memory and concentration ability. Some types of sports that pregnant women can do include pregnancy exercise, yoga, pilates, or swimming.
  • Records of daily activities

  • To anticipate conditions that are easy to forget, Bumil can make notes about all the things that you want to do on that day, then give a sign when it has been done. Pregnant women can also use a cellphone with a reminder alarm so as not to forget appointments or plans that have been made, for example schedules to consult an obstetrician. pregnant women can also ask the couple to remind pregnant women again if there are things that need to be done or have been scheduled.
  • The habit of putting objects regularly

  • Pregnant women can start forming habits to put things in the same place. Thus, pregnant women will always remember where the object is when it will be used.
There are various things that make a pregnant woman forgetful during pregnancy. This condition is quite normal and need not be a concern. But if it has disrupted pregnant women activities and productivity, or even has been dangerous, it never hurts for Bumil to consult with an obstetrician.


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